maandag 22 augustus 2011

FB & G+ / Blogging in English (^_^)

Well here I am ...
Up to date blog, Ready for the digital 'struggle'??
Yes, Yes, people a struggle ..!
Who do I allow to see it, to read this.
And who do I really refuse a look at my private life?!?

How far do ppl really go.To take a throw in your life. A real life My own life.
How far do you let people in, that you might really not know.
Mean we know most of the people ... From "Before" But who says that
people are still the same people?!
Who says they do not total changed now.
We're all older and wiser now. And maybe sometimes quite selfish
or very cheerful and open. Sarcastic and full of rage, or perhaps shy and pressure.

Enough combinations you can make. Enough choices to be who you want to be.
Masquerade as something else but I think the man is also quite strong and good.

Hence I decided, .... Yes Yes .. Here it comes now.
To my Dutch profiles i say 'Stop'. And continue to FB and G +.
So far i did not get any really 'postive' reactions on my decision.
And no reply that made me decided to turn back.
Regret ...? No, not really. Or maybe that feeling still has to come.
For now I'm good.  Lets go to work with G + and above that to find out how
this things work (^_^)
Yes, I do not know everything (^_^)

Well this is my first post/blog on G+
Its something i hope to do more often.

Ohh and dont forget to +1 my pictures in the album 'Make-Up'
Its all me in there (^_^)

Dutch-Greetings Ivancka